Montbridge Capital Management Inc. is proud to serve the Quebec Mortgage loan market.
We are a direct mortgage lender in the business of originating, funding, and servicing short-term mortgage loans. All of our mortgage loans are secured either by real property or by third-party guarantees, letters of credit, cash collaterals or other similar guarantees, and lending decisions are not based on inflexible covenants, as is usually the case with traditional Banks. We evaluate all loan requests on a deal by deal basis, and as such we are able to structure and customize our loans to meet the Borrower’s needs. Needs that are based on the individual financial realities of our clients. Loan commitments are done quickly and efficiently, and since it is us at Montbridge that underwrite, fund and service your loan. Your application is looked at the day that it is received, and funding commitments are issued within days. Mortgages may be either first ranking, a junior position in a first ranking mortgage, or a subsequent ranking mortgage. At Montbridge Management Capital, we work with you and for you.